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Katy Gillis

Health Coach

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Are you looking for Renewed Health?

Hi! I'm Katy Gillis. I mentor and teach a brain-led approach to natural health and wellness from a biblical worldview that uncovers the root causes for various mental and physical challenges often overlooked by allopathic methods alone.


I believe it is critical to look at your health within the context of your life - which includes biological, psychological, social, and spiritual influences. Once we understand you as a whole person, we can create a targeted healthy lifestyle plan that will support you in all areas. This makes it incredibly effective. Read more about the approach here.


If you'd like to engage me as your personal coach, click here and schedule a complimentary 15-minute session to explore if working together can help you.


If you've attended a presentation and you'd like help applying what you learned in your own life, please book a complimentary coaching session


If you'd like to engage me to present to your group, please send an email to with the details. Popular presentation topics can be found in the section "About Katy" below.


"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."

- 1 Corinthians 10:31

About Katy:


Kathryn (Katy) Gillis helps people optimize their brain and life. She started her career in health and wellness in 2005 at age 20 and is fascinated by how the Lord created our brain and body to respond to food, environment, movement, and life. She believes that using natural resources and strategies to support the brain and body is a wonderful way to live and achieve higher levels of health, peace, and joy. She has seen that science leads us to a new level of reverence for our Creator and affirms His goodness and provision, so believes that building the foundation of a healthy lifestyle on scripture is essential to success because our daily habits can glorify God. 


Katy completed her education at Trinity School of Natural Health and is a Certified Natural Health Professional through the American Association of Drugless Practitioners.

She is also a Certified Biblical Coach through Trinity School of Natural Health and aligns everything in her practice with scripture through a biblical worldview. We move towards the Lord personally and find it a joy to follow His ways!


Katy is a Certified Sports Nutrition Coach and Certified Personal Trainer, both at Master level (20 years and counting!).


She is also a Practical Neuroscientist and Cognitive & Behavioral Health and Wellness Coach trained by world-renowned neuropsychiatrist Dr. Daniel Amen (writer of "The End of Mental Illness: How Brain Science Is Transforming Psychiatry and Helping Prevent or Reverse Mood and Anxiety Disorders, ADHD, Addictions, PTSD, Psychosis, Personality Disorders, and More."). Katy is a graduate of Amen University with the title Brain Health Licensed Trainer, where she is licensed to Katy teaches Dr. Amen's brain-supporting programs such as "Memory Rescue," "Brain Thrive by 25," "Overcoming Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, and Grief," "The Brain Warriors Way," "Healing ADHD," "Brain Fit for Work and Life," and more.


She engages leaders in government, business, education, community, and churches with dynamic presentations that help people understand and optimize their brains and thus, optimize their lives.


She is especially delighted to present these life-changing truths to middle and high school students in local schools, youth groups, youth organizations, and homeschool groups so they can understand the brilliance of their brain and body and how to live their healthiest, best life.


She is honored to support her clients as they become even better stewards of their brains and body and has enjoyed every moment of serving thousands of clients in 3 countries around the world and gives all of the glory and honor to God who gives every good and perfect gift. 


Additionally, Katy leads and supports a team of professional health coaches doing similar work for their clients to drastically improve their physical and mental health through their healthy lifestyle plans.


Katy lives in Waynesville, North Carolina, with her husband of 18 years and their three children ages 15, 12, and 9. They are members of Dellwood Baptist Church. Hiking, cooking, ballroom dancing, and traveling with her family are her favorite activities.


We are not medical doctors and the material on this website is not to be used as medical advice or to replace medical advice. We are a Christian Coaching organization that guides our clients to achieve their goals by suggesting natural and science-backed healthy lifestyle strategies that might bless their lives and their loved ones.

We share information based on multiple research studies that can be found at the National Institute of Health (, Amen Clinics, and other leading scientific databases. We try to present all content from a biblical perspective - and at times, personal or professional experience or opinion - while never assuming authority over the Holy Spirit's guidance to the individual. 

We pray the content of this website encourages you if you are a fellow Christian seeking to honor the Lord in all that you do. 

Recommendations or resources listed on this website may contain affiliate links where we earn a small commission.

Katy is an Ambassador of Health for Lifeboost Coffee and believes there is no healthier coffee on this side of heaven!

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